3 Important Tips to Know Before Using an Insecticide

The role of an insecticide is to prevent the attacks of pests and insects that damage the plant. The rising popularity of e-commerce industries has made it easier for farmers to buy imidacloprid and other insecticides online and have them delivered to their doorstep. One thing to note here is that the usage of insecticides can be harmful if a person is not careful. So, if you plan to use insecticide online, here are 3 important tips for you to know before you do that:

1. Understand the Different Types of Insecticides

Insecticides have been divided into two categories: systemic and contact. A systemic or broad-spectrum insecticide is used by spraying it on the plants. This way, a solution of insecticide can be used over a large area and it defends the plants against various insects. A contact insecticide is sprayed on the plants but is targeted towards wasps and ants. It can even be applied to shutters and fences. These insecticides work by killing the insects which bite a plant.

2. Always Choose the Right Insecticide

You can choose from many options in both the categories of insecticides. Also, modern insecticides available these days are a mixture of contact and systemic insecticides. This means that you can buy an insecticide that’s a combination of both categories and does the task of both. The percentage ratio of the two will vary from insecticide to insecticide. You will have to decide which insecticide is the best for your crops.

3. Never Overuse an Insecticide

Many people believe that if an insecticide is beneficial in small quantities, it will be more beneficial in large quantities. That is, however, a myth. Using an insecticide in more quantity than what is prescribed can make the crop harmful for consumption. It can even deteriorate the quality of crops you are cultivating. Keep a note to never overuse an insecticide.

Using an insecticide can be a risky affair. Therefore, it is always recommended to use an insecticide as it is prescribed on the label. Following the aforementioned tips will ensure you always use an insecticide in the best possible way.


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