What are Fertilizers?

 Farmers use fertilizers on a day-to-day basis to increase crop yield. Fertilizers are actually chemical substances that are supplied to crops for increasing their productivity. They have the necessary nutrients that plants need. They generally include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. A great thing about fertilizers is that they can be transported, applied, and stored in an easy manner. Gardeners use fertilizers for the purpose of addressing specific requirements of the plants, like their nutritional requirements. Today, whether you wish to buy NPK 19 19 19 fertilizer or any other fertilizer, you can easily do so online. That being said, let’s explore more about fertilizers.

How do Fertilizers Help

The loss of soil, lack of nutrients, and pests are some situation that can lead to a decrease inagricultural production. As a result, it becomes difficult to cater to the demands of an increasing population. Fertilizers are substances that help in tacking such a condition.

The Importance of Fertilisers

As soil alone cannot provide wholesome nutrients to the crops, fertilizers are needed. Take the NPK fertilizer for example. This fertilizer provides every essential nutrient required for the plant – Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Nitrogen (N). Fertilizers hold importance for plants in a variety of ways, such as:

  • The nitrogen present in the fertilizer helps in improving plant growth.

  • The phosphorus in the fertilizer helps in seed creation in plants and rapid root development.

  • The potassium content of the fertilizer makes the straws and stalks of the plant stronger.

  • Fertilizers help in increasing root depth.

Elements Found in Fertilizers

Typically, soil gives plants the 13 chemical elements needed for their growth. However, the soil maydiffer in the nutrient content itpossesses. Because of this, farmers and gardeners often add fertilizers for the growth of the plant. The addition of fertilizers also enhances vegetable and fruit production.

Let’s explore the important elements you can find in fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen

Considered to bethe most important nutrient, Nitrogen is what a plant needs in the highest quantities. It is essential for the processes of plant physiology.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus helps in improving the growth of the plants and is responsible for energy transport.

  • Potassium

Potassium is another important element for plants. It helps the plants in resisting diseases, making strong stems, and improving draught tolerance. It is also called Potash by several agronomist and gardeners.


Fertilizers are used for many purposes, such as:

  • Organic fertilizers improve the fertility as well as texture of soil

  • Nitrogen-rich fertilizers find use in the greening of lawns

  • Fertilizers increase plant’s tolerance towards pests

Careful use of fertilization technologies is essential because an excess of nutrients can be detrimental as well. If excess fertilizer is applied, fertilizer  burn maytake place. So, do make sure you are aware ofoverfertilization whenever you decide to buy fertilizers.

All in all, fertilizers provide additional nutrients to plants and prove to be beneficial for them. Today, shopping for NPK 19 19 19 fertilizers or any other fertilizer has become muchmore convenientas one can easily order them online, right from the comfort of their homes and that too in just a few clicks.


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