3 Things You Must Know Before Buying an Insecticide

The blooming spring brings with it a lot of insects also. Some insects are good for the plants, like honeybees, while most are not. They eat and destroy the plants which you’ve been cultivating for a long time. This is why you must use an insecticide to keep away these plant-destroying insects from your fields. But before you buy and use an insecticide, there are certain things that you must know about it. Here they are:

1. Understand the Type of Insecticides

The insecticide is an umbrella term that includes fungicide, rodenticide, miticide, herbicide, and insecticide. To use an insecticide, you have to know what your goal is: to do away with a general bug infestation in the field or to treat a specific type of infestation? Primarily, there are two types of insecticides: Contact insecticides and systemic insecticides. The former is directly used at plant for ants, wasps, and general bug infestation. The latter is used in the foliage, from where a plant absorbs it, and it runs in its vascular system. This is to keep away sucking insects that feed on plants. They die after ingesting the plant.

2. Decide If It’s Necessary

Every insect infestation is different. Each of them depends on the severity and location. If the infestation can be addressed manually, which means picking away the insect by hand or by spraying it with a hose, you should do that. If it’s something more severe that you have to use an insecticide, use it only then.

3. Choose the Right One

Several online platforms have made it easier to buy insecticides. Now you can buy insecticide online in India and have it delivered to your home. No more travelling long distances to go to a store to buy it. But you have to choose the right one for your crops. After you have analysed the type of infestation in your field, read up on different insecticides available for it, which one is most affordable, which one is good for your plants, etc. Take your time and choose the right one.

Using an insecticide is an essential part of farming because you cannot prevent the attack of the insects by yourself. With an insecticide, you can finally take a step towards it. Understand your need and choose the right one.


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