Most Common of Types of Insecticides Available in India

Insecticides presently play a major role in the way food is grown in India. With the introduction of several e-commerce platforms, farmers can now easily buy insecticides online in India. Insects, rodents, and bacteria are capable of destroying crops and contaminating human food. Insecticides were developed as a solution to this problem. These products can be either natural or chemical-based in nature. Depending on the nature of the problem, you can use different types of insecticides. Let’s read about the most common types of insecticides:

Inorganic Insecticides

These are either synthetic or man-made, such as carbamates or pyrethroids. These insecticides are manufactured with heavy metals and arsenic compounds like boric acid and silica gel. Inorganic insecticides are quite effective, but they must be used with caution and under strict conditions. Inorganic insecticides come in a variety of forms.

Systematic Insecticides

These insecticides are applied to the soil and allowed to be absorbed by plant roots. These insecticides go up to the plant's leaves stems, fruits, and twigs, protecting them from insect-eating. Bactericides and larvicides are other types of systematic insecticides that help in the removal of bacteria and larvae that harm plants.


Herbicides are a type of pesticide that is used to kill infected plants. It is primarily used to remove plant parts that insects feed on or plant sections where the infection has progressed. Fungicides are herbicides that are used to kill insects and fungi that are responsible for reducing agricultural productivity.

Organic Insecticides

These are composed of plant oils and fatty acids extracted from plants or animals. They are environmentally friendly and do not affect crops.

Insecticidal Soap

It is formed of detergent or bleaching/ivory liquid and can be sprayed on plants to keep insects away. It is non-toxic and should not be used in direct sunlight.


It can be combined with water and sprayed directly on plants.

Plain water 

Plain water should be sprayed on plants on a regular basis to prevent insects from feeding on them.

Knowing what types of insecticides are available to you allows you to make an informed decision. In case you choose to use synthetic products, make sure you use them with caution to ensure the safety of your surroundings and environment.


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